Pasiv is in talks with a variety of potential brokerage partners in NYC.
There is really only one place on earth you go to source US equities. That place happens to be New York City. So we made a trip over the ponds to my old stomping grounds and caught up with some key folk that was going to make Pasiv a reality.
You see there are really only a handful of providers on Wall Street that
- Have an API available to provide you for US equities
- Are willing to take on international clients
- Offer zero-commission trading
Yep, you heard me right - Robinhood-style zero-commission trading is now commonplace on Wall Street thanks to a payment-for-order flow. Turns out this generation cares less about their data and more about their pocket. More on my thoughts regarding the practice "Payment for Order Flow" later...
Turns out we had one more pond to cross, and we found the best deal over in New Jersey - God bless the Garden State.
On this occasion, my old flatmate turned dental surgeon was getting married, and it seemed like the opportune summer to cross things off my NYC to-do list.
High on the agenda was meeting the legendary emerging market startup whiz kid - Fahim Saleh (another ex-flatmate from my Manhattan nights). Fahim signed off on our prototype. To him the year was 2019 and good design was everything.
Wall Street requires a certain kind of caliber to survive and thrive. You see by and large companies are simply unwilling to do US equities business offshore because there's enough available domestically, especially if you're wrapping it in a neo-broker style interface. That's why after speaking with Al____, Dri__W___, P_____, T____, and a few others, it's a good thing we inked a strong deal with one of the finest broker-dealers in the state. [Shhhh! Reveal coming later...]

And of course, no NYC trip is complete without some good old Joe's pizza. I got the wifey to try it out the first time ever, and she understood immediately why I had lived here for half the decade.