We’ve been hard at work designing the product here at Pasiv and by popular demand, we’re happy to give you all a quick sneak peek into how we designed order execution.

Alec Monopoly would be proud of our efforts.
In Build 1.0 I’ve taken my time to nail down the very heart of the app — execution via chat. And this process has been ongoing for a few months now, a few sauteed mushrooms later, and a few minor panic attacks when things seem rather impossible. But persistence, testing, and a healthy dose of Eric Rise — The Lean Startup kept us on the mark.
Buying a stock for the first time is a right of passage in its own way. And our job here at Pasiv is to make that crossover as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible — digitally of course.
The order box really is the core experience the user in Pasiv will have to appreciate and enjoy in order to keep coming back and using this product. So it's the one thing we’ve sat down and thought really hard about.
It all started with this
Order Box — First Attempt
It’s clean, it’s functional, everything is put across. But somehow, it just didn’t feel like you purchased something of significant value once the whole thing was over. Definitely missing an element here. So we got back to the drawing board…and then we got down to the monopoly board. Monopoly was everyone’s favorite game growing up — because it involved people, and it involved the dice, and it involved money - and somehow even with those three things we were allowed to play it as kids :-) And it got me thinking — what if I went Banksy on this?

Then I went in hard on Hasbro's Monopoly — its history, the icons, the symbolism. Monopoly by the Parker Brothers circa 1935 is one of the most iconic dice games ever to have been created as simple as that. And Page one of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filing by Charles Darrow for a patent on the board game Monopoly was filed and granted in 1935.

For folks like us who live and breathe financial markets, finding a version of monopoly for the stock exchange and especially stock trading in Dubai is like being a Star Wars fan and finding your dad's old Luke Skywalker action figure in the basement.
Speaking of Star Wars, as has been the norm through history, Monopoly has released countless themed versions of the game from Star Wars to Planet of the Apes to a Dubai-based monopoly board.
But this monopoly-themed stock certificate we found right here is just gold.

The parallels between the markets culture, the Dubai vibe, the monopoly game, and what we are trying to achieve going from Zero to One with Pasiv all meet at the monopoly man. Not you Alec, your just a thief.
Pasiv — AI Wealth Concierge
Just like that somewhere between the Air India mascot and the monopoly man we understood the value of the concierge. Within a couple of days, I completely understood what I needed my order box to look like it. And we started building just that.

So close, but then I remembered, that the logo would never be allowed as per apple's in-app policy. Also, the height meant it would take up practically the whole screen. A couple more design shake-ups, and then finally something decent came out.

So close yet still so far. The good news was that we found a clean way to represent quite a few numbers in a pretty small box. A few more iterations, a couple of glasses of the grape, and we were there!
